Updating William Henry Drake’s information

My thesis contains a lot of information about William Henry Drake and his family, but there was a lot of information that didn’t make it into my thesis because of the tight requirements for the word count of theses. Since completing my thesis, I have also found a lot more information about their lives. My aim is to make this information available here.

I am, therefore, writing a series of blogs on various aspects of the family and will be publishing them as they are completed. I have started with three articles.

The first is a short summary of Henry’s life which provides a framework for the other articles.

The second covers the movements of Henry’s family following his birth in Portugal until, as a young man, he went to the Swan River Colony (Perth, Western Australia).

The third looks at his time in WA including his marriage and the birth of his children.

Other blogs will follow in due course.

©Megan Stevens 2018

One comment

  • streetgrgmailcom

    Thanks for sharing this. I am very lucky to have a cousin that does all the research and I get the easy benefit of reading the blog! How amazing to find a picture on the internet with Great Aunt Amy’s handwriting on the back of it.

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